Saturday, March 31, 2018

Misadventures with my Roommate #BookReview

I always get a bit nervous, when reading a book written by multiple authors. I find that it can sometimes seem choppy, and the parts written by each different author can be obvious. However, I was hopeful, since this one is part of the Misadventures Series, and thus far the books have all been fabulous. I am happy to report that this book was no exception. It was fantastic, and it was very fluid, and I could not tell it was written by two different writers.

I really, really loved this book. I think the thing that really drew me in, was the characters. I loved both the female (Blake) and male (Gavin) leads. They were fabulous. I could relate to Blake quite a bit, and I really enjoyed her blossom throughout the story. Gavin is a man to be adored. 

This book will make you laugh, scream, cry, and turn the pages. It is one of the better books I have read recently. I was honestly hooked before the end of the first chapter. I found myself invested in the characters. I genuinely want to know what happens next. It was a genuinely pleasure watching the affect they had on each other. 

This was my first book by authors Elizabeth and Hayley aka Elizabeth Hayley, but it will not be my last.

I will say that you make get a tiny bit frustrated at first by Blake, but have some faith. Ride it out, and she will win you over. 

So, definitely read this one. Continue reading, to find a brief synopsis of the book, information about the authors, and most importantly- links to buy your own copy!!! There is even a link to a giveaway!!! 

Misadventures with my Roommate
by Elizabeth Hayley
Releases: 27th March




Blake Monroe hasn’t had the easiest life, but she’s never been one to dwell on her misfortunes, preferring to see the world as a place where you get what you give.

Having had an especially troubling childhood, Blake’s aware she doesn’t exactly fit the definition of “normal.” Her lack of filter, dry sense of humor, and uncanny ability to read people make her rather unique—and difficult to live with. When her latest roommate has had enough of her antics, Blake decides living with a man might suit her better.

Gavin Gibson’s a dreamer whose artsy aspirations don’t meet the high expectations of his wealthy family. Cast off and cut off, Gavin needs a place to live. When he’s invited to share Blake’s quaint apartment, he cannot pass it up. With a knack for spotting the good in others, Gavin can see past Blake’s quirks—and neither of them can ignore their sexual chemistry.

As sparks fly, their genuine affection for each other grows, and Gavin begins to break down Blake’s defenses. But can Blake open up to reveal the damage she’s worked so hard to conceal?

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Meet the Author
Elizabeth Hayley is actually "Elizabeth" and "Hayley," two friends who love reading romance novels to obsessive levels. This mutual love prompted them to put their English degrees to good use by penning their own. The product is Pieces of Perfect, their debut novel. They learned a ton about one another through the process, like how they clearly share a brain and have a persistent need to text each other constantly (much to their husbands' chagrin).
"Elizabeth" lives with her husband, daughter, and nutjob of a dog. "Hayley" lives with her husband, son, and her own crazy dog. Thankfully, their children are still too young to read.
Elizabeth Hayley's writing motto is best captured by the words of Patrick Dennis: "I always start with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind."

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Find all books in the Misadventures Series here: The Misadventures Series 

What I need you to know... I received an ARC of this book to read, and write an honest review. I was not paid to say anything, and anything I say, is my honest opinion.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Mustache You A Question #FunnyFriday

Today’s post is March’s Funny Friday, a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month. Funny Friday is a collaborative project. Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write five captions or thoughts inspired by that month’s picture.

Links to the other bloggers’ posts are below, click on them and see what they have come up with. I hope we bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.

Here is today’s AWESOME picture. It was submitted by Karen of Baking In A Tornado.

1. That was the last time Karen ever sent her husband grocery shopping alone.

2. I mustache you a question. Please answer quickly, as I'm in a rush, and really must peel out asap. Which came first?! The chicken?  The egg? The banana?

3. Son: Isn't it great?! I won it at the water gun booth.
Mom: It's ... Interesting. You know those carnival games are a scam. You can buy the toys cheaper at the store.
Son: That's no fun, Mom. I like knowing I earned it.
Mom: Be proud of your giant banana, son. How much did it cost you anyway?
Son: Well, it only took me five tries.
Mom: How much did each try cost?
Son: Six dollars.
Mom: At that price, he's staying around forever. Consider him your younger brother.

4. Husband: Hey. I bought you a gift. It's in your favorite chair.
Wife, after looking in her favorite chair: Why on Earth would you get me that?!
Husband: So you can drive in the carpool lane.
Wife: A giant banana won't qualify me for the carpool lane.
Husband: It has a mustache.
Wife: ... 
Husband: ....
Wife: You bought it on impulse and needed a reason to justify the purchase. Am I right?
Husband: Yeah. I mean, it has a mustache.
Wife: ...

5. Am I the only one that wishes this banana was their's?!?!?! I love it!! I mean... It has a mustache!!!!

Check out what captions everyone else came up with!! Click on the links below and let some other bloggers make you smile:

Bookworm in the Kitchen

Southern Belle Charm

Cognitive Script

Baking In A Tornado

Friday, March 23, 2018

Fly by the Bergham Household #FlyOnTheWall

Welcome to March's Fly on the Wall round-up. Today six bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you would see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house.

It is rare that I participate in these Fly on the Wall posts, even though it is one of my most favorite challenges to read. I just feel like our household rarely has enough interesting stuff, to fill up an entire post. So, I decided to participate, and then I spent two months, not just one gathering material. Part of me wishes we had more a more funny, eventful household, but part of me is grateful that we don't. I am not sure I could keep up otherwise. I hope you enjoy the glimpse into the Bergham household.


This is a text between Chad and I:

Ended up in potty with more blood. So much pain. Need you to empty the vacuum that charges in the hallway. I vacuumed the kitchen and living room. Now, I'm REALLY in pain. Ugh. Oh well. Kid fed. Dishes done. Cake pan washed. Vacuumed quite a bit. Prednisone is one hell of a drug. I'm dying. So much pain. Blood pouring out my butt hole. Nauseous. BUT the kitchen is clean and floors vacuumed. Might even help clean the ambulance, as they drive me to the ER.

You're funny. I guess we can have the wake at the house.

Definitely. Just make sure everyone takes off their shoes.


Another test between Chad and I:

She's asleep. Been out about five minutes.

Cool. I'm watching Homeland.

OMG! You cheating bastard!!!

You're a season or two behind.

So!!! Plus, I don't think I am. I wouldn't be if you'd STOP CHEATING!!! If you cheat on me with Grace and Frankie, GoT, OITNB, or The Resident... I WON'T forgive you!!!

(For the record... I am now officially caught up on Homeland, and we are now watching it together again, unless he is cheating on me behind my back again, which is possible. He is obviously a big, old, stinky cheater!! Also, I was only half a season behind!!!)


Another text between Chad and I:

Me (randomly at 3:57 am): 
Hate your guts, you cheating bastard!!

Chad (4:07 am): What's up?
Chad (9:08 am): Good morning.

Me (with no enthusiasm, still upset): Hi.

Chad: How are you feeling? 
Chad (five minutes later): Did I cheat in a dream?

Me: Yes. Shhhh. (Now, for you to understand.... If ever I text shhhh... That is my way of saying I have a migraine, and I am just not into texting at the moment. Just so you have a bit more understanding... I was recently told I could no longer take my migraine medicine. Unfortunately, I had to be placed on a new heart medication, and of all the medicines I take (either daily or as needed) the one that interacts negatively with it, happens to be the one I would NEVER EVER want to give up... My beloved migraine medicine. So, the last several migraines I have had, I have had to basically bear with it, and just push through. I can take pain pills and my tension headache medicine, but they don't really shorten it, but do make it slightly more bearable.)

Me (five minutes later): 
Turned off ringer, but notifications still on.

Okay. Did have a half naked guy a little while ago.

Me (fifteen minutes later):
You're basically dead to me, Cheater.

Okay. Who was it?

I don't know. Cheaters don't often tell, Cheater.

You've got $38 to spend on Amazon. I cashed in my reward cards.

(So, if you have connected these dots... Chad, who does not cheat in real life, and never would, has to deal with my genuine anger when he cheats in my dreams. Plus, I get genuinely upset when he cheats on TV shows, which is the only cheating he would probably ever do. I have given him the silent treatment over his dream cheating. The first time it happened, which was the worst cheating dream I have had, I not only cried hysterically, but I punched his arm. Poor guy. Though, it may just be a good thing. He is probably so terrified, that he would really never cheat for real, for fear of how I may react.)


Another text between Chad and I:

There's another package of turkey in the fridge. On my way home. 

(So, I called him, and asked him if he would please stop at the Dollar Store. I need a couple of things, and also asked him to grab me a Code Red Mountain Dew, because I had a craving for it.)

No Red Dew. Want a coffee? Or Boobs?

Boobs? What is that even a typo of?


Well, what if I want boobs?


Yeah. Boba is good. Thanks.


Gigi: I really love Bob Marley.
Me: Aww! That makes me so happy. I really love him too. Only I did not realize how amazing he was, until I was teenager. I am glad you are learning early.
Gigi: I really love him. Just looking at him is making me have tears. *looks up at the large picture of him on our living room wall*
Me: Aww! Well, I bet if he knew you, he would love you too. You have a good heart, and that is important.
Gigi *starts crying*: Oh, Mom, I love him. Why did he have to die??
Me *starts crying and pulls her into a hug*: I don't know. Stupid Cancer!
Gigi *holding me tightly*: Yeah, stupid Cancer!

After we hugged for a bit, we turned on our Bob play list, and had a dance party.

I am so grateful that she loves Bob so much. It makes me proud. I especially enjoy getting to have conversations with her about equality and loving everyone, and rejecting hate. 


Me: Ugh. I hate my guts.
Gigi: What? Why?
Me: Well, because of this abdominal disease, my guts hurt and make me sick.
Gigi: Oh. Yeah, I hate your guts too.
Me: Aww. Thanks. I hate my rotten guts.
Gigi: Yeah, I hate your rotten guts.
Me: I love your guts.
Gigi: I love your guts.
Me: Such a love hate moment.
Gigi: Huh?


(We are in the waiting room at my doctor's office.)
Gigi: Where did Daddy go?
Me: He went to the restroom really quick.
Gigi: Oh. I am so tired.
Me: Well, it will be bedtime before you know it.
Gigi: I am just so tired. I think I need to rest.
Me: Okay. Well, sit down and rest.
Gigi: Well, I need a lot of rest. I think I should go to the rest room with Daddy.
Me *realizes what is going on*: Oh! *laughs* Oh! *laughs*
Gigi: What?
Me: You do not rest in a restroom. You go potty and wash your hands. Restroom is another name for bathroom.
Gigi: Oh. Well, why do they call it a restroom? That makes no sense.
Me: I honestly don't know. I just know that restroom is another name for bathroom. So, why don't you just sit down and rest a bit?

Gigi *starts back to dancing*: Oh. I don't need rest. I am full of energy. I drank a lot of water earlier.


(So, I have been hooked to a heart monitor for the past few weeks. I hate it. I really, really hate it.)
Me: I am so sick and tired of these wires. I hate this silly monitor. I hate the wires. I hate the box digging in to my boob. Ugh! Look, Gigi, look at this. *points to the marks on my boob, where the monitor box has left an imprint*
Gigi *looking*: Wow. How did it do that? It drew a picture on your boob.
Me: Yeah, sometimes things will leave an imprint on your skin, and it is kinda like it draws a picture.
Gigi: Cool.
Me: It is not cool. I hate it. I want to just take it off. I wish I could, but then it would not be reading my heart beats, and they would get upset.
Gigi: I have a good idea.
Me: What?
Gigi: I can wear it. Then it can read my heartbeat.
Me *laughing*: I can't put it on you. They would get your heart information and it would mix with mine, and it will confuse them and make them think I have some weird heart thing, and then I will end up getting heart surgery.
Gigi: Heart surgery? They will touch your heart?
Me: Yep. Touching it is part of surgery.
Gigi: That is so cool. I think you should get heart surgery and I should watch.
Me: ....
Gigi: What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Me: Oh, no reason. *mentally makes note to never sleep too deeply around Gigi*


So, I have had a lot of trips to the doctor/hospital in the past few months. Between the Mesenteric Panniculitis, the abdominal abscess, my heart issues, and the pneumonia... Yes, lots of visits to the hospital and doctor offices. This has also led to me needing several IVs, blood draws, and injections. Those all meant I had lots of gauze taped on my very hairy arms. I cannot remove the tape myself, and have recruited Chad to do it, and it hurts to have the tape ripped off. Well, this excites Gigi, and she has officially nominated herself to be the official bandage/tape remover. She seems to quite enjoy it. 

Me: Chad, can you come take this thing off.
Gigi: NO! I will do it!
Me: Um. Okay.
Chad: Yeah, let her do it.
Me *holds my arm over to Gigi*: Okay. Be careful. Make sure you rip it all the way off, so you don't have to do it twice.
Gigi *with a huge grin*: Okay. *reaches and grabs the corner of the tape*
Me *jerks arm away*: Okay. Okay. Well, wait. Let me prepare.
Gigi: C'mon, Mom. Just let me do it.
Me *holds arm back out*: Okay. Okay. Just do it.
Gigi *takes hold of the tape and pulls it off, while laughing and grinning*
Me: Ow! Ow! Ow!
Chad: Well, she did it.
Me *looking at Chad with a knowing look*: Yeah, and she enjoyed it.
Chad *looking back at me with a knowing look*: Yeah. She is going to be good with the medical things. 
Me: Yeah. Medical things. She could go one of two ways. It will be really good or really bad.
Chad: Yeah. Doctor or *mouths serial killer*.
Me: Yep. We just need to be sure she is a doctor.

Gigi is so intrigued by the human body and how it works. She has said for a while now, she wants to be an astronaut doctor. As she gets older, and is more intrigued by how the body works, and has taken an interest in Cancer, and wanting to find a cure for it... I genuinely think she just may grow up to be a doctor. She is also obsessed with space, stars, the Moon, and planets. So, I could totally see her wanting to be an astronaut. I just hope my body can keep it together long enough, for me to see how it turns out.


Here are the other homes you can buzz around in this month:

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tainted Blood by Sara Hubbard #BookReview

I am here with my latest book review. This time it is Sara Hubbard's new release, and it is a paranormal romance. Now, normally I would probably say if paranormal romances are not your thing, that you would probably want to avoid this book. However, hear me out.... I would not say that I am a huge paranormal fan. I did enjoy the Sookie Stackhouse books, and I did read the Twilight books, so I am at the very least tolerant to it. Well, this book is different. I could see how someone who has never liked other paranormal books, could love this book.

It is very well written. The plot is unique and captivating. The characters are excellent, and very well developed. This book will cause you to abandon the "facts" you thought you knew about vampires, and that paranormal realm. It really offers a whole new take on it. Things are not what you previously thought them to be. 

You will go on a paranormal journey with Emily, Sebastian, and Alexander. Emily was living a perfectly normal life, until one night she was bitten by a vampire. The vampire died, because as it would turn out, Emily's blood in deadly to vampires. Once Sebastian and Alexander (vampire brothers) find out about Emily's toxic blood, they kidnap her and her sister, and use her sister's life as leverage to get her to help them.

What they want from her, is for her to kill their maker, with her toxic blood. The journey to that point is a wild ride. I honestly think it is a ride you will enjoy. Forget everything you thought you knew about vampires, and embark on this adventure. It is truly a brilliant story, and I cannot wait to read the rest of the books in this series. This book was satisfying, but it definitely left me wanting more.

It is intense, romantic, steamy, intriguing, entertaining. I highly recommend reading it. If you continue reading, you will find a synopsis of the book, an excerpt, information about the author, and links on where to get a copy of your own!! 

Book: Tainted Blood
Author: Sara Hubbard
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: 20th March 2018


Sometimes destiny punches you in the face...
Or takes a big gulp from your jugular.

Bookstore owner Emily only experiences fantasies and supernaturals through the books she reads until she comes face to face with a vampire who bites her and then drops dead. 

Upon hearing about her toxic blood, two vampire brothers kidnap Emily and force her to help them kill their master in exchange for her life and the life of her sister. But the longer she stays in their company, the more she realizes she was living a life she was never meant to and she needs to embrace her new normal. Even if giving in to her destiny will cost her hundreds of supernatural enemies who threaten to send her to an early grave.

"...dammit if I don’t want very badly to be kissed right now. I lick my lips and wait for him to close the distance. His breath washes over me, and his presence feels warm though he’s room temperature. I wait a long while, at least a minute, but when I’m sure the moment is gone, I finally open my eyes, and he’s no longer beside me. I exhale, disappointed and confused. I’m glad that he didn’t do what we both seemed to want but also devastated that he didn’t."

"When Emily finds vampires in the alley behind her bookstore, she learns that nothing she knows about herself is true. Tainted Blood is a clever and erudite take on the modern vampire novel full of clever references, shifting allegiances, and powerful magic." Karen A., Line Editor, Red Adept Editing

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Meet the Author

Sara Hubbard is an author of romantic fiction. Her debut novel BLOOD, SHE READ released fall 2012 and was a NEORWA Cleveland Rocks winner and a RCRW Duel on the Delta finalist. Her first contemporary novel, Beautiful and Broken was an Amazon bestseller. Sara lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two children (four if you count her husband and her needy labradoodle) and works as a registered nurse.
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What I need you to know... I received an ARC of this book to read, so I could give an honest review. I was not paid to say anything, and everything I have said is my honest opinion.


Welcome to June's Blog with Friends!! Each month a theme is chosen and then participating bloggers use the theme, to create their own un...