Sunday, October 29, 2017

Acquisition by Chelle Bliss #BookReview

My latest book review, is for Chelle Bliss' newest book, Acquisition, which is book one of the Enemies to Lovers duet. I am very happy that it is a series, and once I was done reading it, and discovered there would be a follow-up, I was thrilled. One book just was not enough. 

Do you have an author, that is just an excellent writer, and so even if they write a book with a not so wonderful plot, you can still read it and enjoy it?! I think Chelle could be one of those authors for me. Every book I have read from her, has been excellently written, with a wonderful plot, but I think she could write a mediocre plot, and I would still enjoy it. She has a way of writing, that is truly wonderful. Even the lulls in her books are great. Though, she does not include many lulls, so you will definitely be entertained with every page turn.

She is also excellent at character development, which if you have paid attention to me at all, you know is very important to me. She definitely knows how to build her characters in your mind, from their physical attributes to their personality. By the end of her books, you have a great feel for the characters. Acquisition was no exception. 

The romance starts off in an unconventional manner, but it is deep and entertaining. Before it is over, you will be invested and cheering these dueling CEOs on. Both Lauren and Antonio are dedicated, intelligent CEOs, and they are both totally taken by one another after a one night stand. As luck (for us) would have it, they could not simply walk away from the one night stand, as they soon find out they are business rivals, caught in the war of a takeover. This book is a huge page turner.

I strongly recommend that you get yourself a copy and enjoy. I cannot wait for book two. I am so curious what their future holds for them. Keep reading for a synopsis, information on the author, and links to get a copy of your own!!

NOW AVAILABLE from USA Today bestselling author, Chelle Bliss, comes the Enemies to Lovers Duet


ACQUISITION by Chelle Bliss
Enemies to Lovers Duet Book #1


NEW Enemies to Lovers Duet!
✦ACQUISITION - Book 1✦Amazon→
Amazon UK→
Amazon AU→
Amazon CA→

A ONE-NIGHT STAND with a handsome stranger wasn't a problem--until he tried to STEAL her company.
Ambitious, high-powered CEO Lauren Bradley is one press release away from catapulting her company to new heights.
Rival CEO, Antonio Forte is arrogant, controlling, and sexy.
She should know, since Antonio's a one-night stand she thought she'd never see again.
Antonio wants to takeover more than her company, he wants her as part of the Acquisition.
Let the games begin...

Acquisition is the first book in the Enemies to Lovers Series.

Chelle Bliss is the USA Today bestselling author of the Men of Inked and ALFA P.I. series. She hails from the Midwest, but currently lives near the beach even though she hates sand. She's a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, coffee fiend, and ex high school history teacher. She loves spending time with her two cats, alpha boyfriend, and chatting with readers.

~*~*~*~ What I need you to know.... I was given an ARC of this book, and asked to give an honest review. My opinions stated above are my honest opinions, and I was not paid to write this review. ~*~*~*~

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Future is Bright #FunnyFriday

Welcome to this month’s Funny Friday, a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month. Funny Friday is a collaborative project. Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write five captions or thoughts inspired by that month’s picture. Links to the other bloggers’ posts are below, click on them and see what they’ve come up with. I hope we bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.
Funny Friday  150 X 150.jpg
Here’s today’s picture. It was submitted by Southern Belle Charm
45 - Southern Belle Charm  October 2107.jpg
1. Girl to mom: What?! 
Mom: Why do you have them all on?! 
Girl: Trying to decide which goes best with today's outfit. 
Mom: Wouldn't it be better to try them on individually?! 
Girl: Mom, ain't nobody got time for that. 

2. Girl to Nana: They say shoes are the most important part of an outfit, but they're wrong. 
Nana: They are?! What's the most important part then?! 
Girl: Accessories. You can never have too many accessories. 
Nana: You sure about that?! 
Girl: I'm positive. Positively fabulous. 

3. Papa: Why so many sunglasses?! 
Girl: Papa, with a future as bright as mine, I've got to be prepared. 
Papa: Makes sense. 

4. Girl to mom: Are you ready to go yet?! 
Mom: Go where? 
Girl: Target. I need more sunglasses. 
Girl: *smiles sweetly*
Mom: Okay. Let's go. 

5. Nana: What do you call this ensemble?! 
Girl: This is my casual beach outfit. 
Nana: Did you forget anything? 
Girl: *thinks* Oh yeah, sunscreen. 
Click on the links below and let some other bloggers make you smile:
Bookworm in the Kitchen
Baking In A Tornado       
         Cognitive Script      
The Bergham Chronicles  
Southern Belle Charm        

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Misadventures of the Backup Bride #BookReview

It is time for my review of the latest book in the Misadventures Series. Shayla Black did not disappoint. Her addition to the series, with Backup Bride, was fantastic. The plot was unique, the characters were fantastic, and it had plenty of entertaining twists.

I really enjoy many of the little details she included. It was steamy, but not uncomfortably so. Once I started reading, I did not want to put it down. I found myself talking to the characters, encouraging them to make the choices I felt they should. I squealed a few times. It was definitely a page turner.

There is an amazing twist involved. I kinda guessed it a bit. Not entirely. The full twist was actually better than I could have imagined. 

So, continue reading for a synopsis of the story, information about the fabulous author, and links to get a copy of your own. There is also a link to a giveaway!! Enjoy!!

Misadventures of a Backup Bride by Shayla Black

An Overnight Billionaire. When Carson Frost inherits a confectionery that rakes in billions but is too cash-strapped to last another sixty days, he agrees to take a loan from his late fathers rival. There are two catches: Carson has to sign over a permanent stake in the company, and marry the mans daughter. Concocts a Fake Bride. Two weeks before the wedding, he gets cold feet and claims hes in love with someone else. The investor says hell still hand over the cash if Carson takes a stroll down the aisle with the woman who owns his heart. Since he isnt even dating anyone, Carson panics. Where is he going to find a bride willing to jilt him at the altar on such short notice? And Whips Up a Little Love. Ella Hope is an actress happy for any paying gig, but jilting a hottie in public isnt what she had in mind. Still, she needs rent, and hes in a bind. How hard can it be? While playing at matrimony, suddenly their intimacy isnt so fake. Ella cant help but fantasize that Carson is her groom and they will live happily ever after. But once his company is safe, will he want her anymore?

Misadventures of a Backup Bride buy links:
Amazon AmazonUK iBooks Barnes & Noble Google Kobo LEARN MORE

Meet the Author

Shayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than fifty novels. For nearly twenty years, she’s written contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances via traditional, independent, foreign, and audio publishers. Her books have sold millions of copies and been published in a dozen languages.
Raised an only child, Shayla occupied herself with lots of daydreaming, much to the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and realized that she could have a career publishing the stories spinning in her imagination. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and embarked on a stint in corporate America to pay the bills, her heart has always been with her characters. She’s thrilled that she’s been living her dream as a full-time author for the past eight years.
Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband, her teenage daughter, and two spoiled tabbies. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.

Facebook           Website                 instagram                  Twitter

Here is what I need you to know... I was given an ARC of this book, so I can give an honest review of the book. Like always, my review is honest and unpaid. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Colours of the Wind #UseYourWords

Welcome to October's Use Your Words. This is how it works: participating bloggers picked four to six words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That is the challenge, here is a fun twist; no one who is participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.

My words are:

harvest ~ colours ~ wind ~ fragrance ~ fear ~ leaves

They were submitted by: https://dlt-lifeontheranch. (Thank you for such fabulous words, even if one of them is misspelled LOL!!)

First and foremost, can we just all agree that it is colors and not colours!?! Hey, you, what do you mean no?! Why nottttttttt?! I kid. I kid. I mean, it IS colors not colours, but I know many folks do use colours and not colors. I am just not one of those people. 

So, if you follow my Facebook page, you know that I fractured my wrist. Don't worry. It is not a horrible fracture. Unfortunately, even a minor fracture is still a nuisance. A huge, gross, annoying nuisance. If you would like to send cake or pudding or money, feel free. Sigh. Okay, okay, enough with my moaning and groaning. Have no fear, I am fully able to get back on track. It's not like I can do much of anything else, with my wrist in this horrid cast thingy. I digress.

I must apologize for the tardiness of my post. I have to dictate the post out on my phone, and then use talk to text, then get on my computer and copy and paste, and finally publish. Karen from Baking in a Tornado, has agreed to help me, but unfortunately, I could not get the post to her in time, for her to do the complicated copy and pasting for me. I will do better in the future, I promise. I did not count on just how painful my wrist would be, just how limited my capabilities would be, how much extra time would be required for simple tasks, and just how done with it all I would be.

This is super odd for me, and I am thinking it must completely be my wrists fault. Once Autumn hits, and that amazing Fall fragrance (do you know the smell I am talking about?!) hits the air, and the leaves are changing colors, and the wind has cooled down... Well, I get so dang happy. I absolutely love this time of year. It is my favorite. I love basically everything about it. I say basically everything, because I do have issues with the insane amount of spider decorations you encounter. Sigh. I could definitely do without that. Nonetheless, I still love Fall and Halloween and falling leaves and the Fall fragrance.

Do you?! I hope you do. Not because I want everyone to agree with me. I just want everyone to experience the joy this time of year brings me. I think my excitement starts during our annual Harvest Festival and continues right up until I start decorating for Christmas (usually the day after Thanksgiving). My excitement is then replaced by my Christmas excitement. So, I am pretty much excited from September until January. Do you get why this is my favorite time of year?! Then of course I get excited for Spring and flowers and newness. Plus, with living in California, I am (mostly) excited for Summer.

Look, living in California has really added excitement to my life. Before, I would not be excited during Winter, except for on three days... December 25th, December 31st, and January 2nd. Here, I get to be excited for it all. Plus, with no humidity to affect my breathing, I get to enjoy Summer. If you ever get to explore California, I recommend it. Especially the Central Valley, where I live. It is amazing here. Just watch the news, and try to avoid any fires. So, don't take my advice currently. As you may have heard, much of wine country is one fire here. It is a terrible situation. I am praying they get it under control soon. 

So, despite my terrible wrist situation, my tardiness of this post, and my tiredness from being unable to sleep... I am in a darn good mood. Just not as good as I usually am. I am hoping that changes quickly. How are things in your neck of the woods?! Do you use color or colours?! 

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!! xoxo

Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:

Misadventures of a Super Hero #BookReview

I am back, with another addition to the Misadventures Series. This time, it is the Misadventures of a Super Hero. This book is sci-fi and romantic and steamy. I do not usually read any sci-fi books, as I struggle to get into them. I do watch a few sci-fi shows, but it is also not my normal. Well, if you are like me, don't worry. Keep reading. I honestly think you can still love this book.

Angel Payne does an amazing job blending normal with science fiction, to create a totally awesome story. It kept my interest, and I did not struggle to become interested in the story. I grew fond of Bolt and Emma. I could really find myself intrigued by their story, right down to the little details, and found it interesting from beginning to end.

This is a very steamy book, so if that is your cup of tea, you will absolutely love this. However, if you like your books a bit more warm than steamy hot, I honestly think you can still enjoy this. You can skim over the steamy parts, and still have a great story to read.

This was a great story, with a great (happy) ending, and you will feel satisfied. Angel also left it open enough, for your imagination to wonder what is next for our Super Hero and his leading lady. I can only imagine that they have an electrifying, great future together. I happily recommend you read this one for yourself.

I am really enjoying this Misadventures Series of books. I have met some interesting characters, and I have been taken for some awesome rides. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Let me know!

Read on for a synopsis of the story, information on the fabulous author, links to get a copy of your own, and a link to a giveaway! Happy reading!


Misadventures with a Super Hero by Angel Payne



Working the night shift at a five-star hotel in downtown Los Angeles, I get my fair share of weirdos. But none of them prepared me for the night I met Bolt. He saved my life. Now, hes my super hero, the hunk Im yearning to thank in more creative ways than a damn kiss on the cheek. Too bad hes actually Reece Richards, my full-on nerd of a real-life boss. Hes got some commitment issues thanks to his evil ex and global empire and from having to save the city from a maniac out to destroy everything he loves. But theres something that just may interfere with all those plans. My heart.

Meet the Author

USA Today bestselling romance author Angel Payne has been reading and writing her entire life, though her love for romances turned serious at Chapman University in Southern California, where she took departmental honors for English. She began getting a paycheck for her writing when composing record reviews for a Beverly Hills-based dance music magazine, and working in promotions at LA-based KROQ-FM. She was also a music industry PA, fashion ramp model, night club DJ, special events coordinator, tour guide, and hotel group sales manager before returning to the thing she loves the most: creating character-based romantic fiction.
Angel has written for four publishing houses, and is also independently published. She most enjoys focusing on high heat and high concepts starring memorable alpha men and the women who love them. She has numerous book series to her credit, including the Suited for Sin series, the Cimarron Saga, the Temptation Court series, the Secrets of Stone series (with Victoria Blue), the Lords of Sin historicals, and the popular WILD Boys of Special Forces series. She’s excited to be one of the inaugural authors for Waterhouse Press’s prestigious MISADVENTURES series.
Angel still lives in Southern California, where she is married to her soul mate and lives on a street that looks like Brigadoon, with their awesome daughter and Lady Claire, the dog with impeccable manners. When not writing, she is a proud cos play mom, and also enjoys reading, pop culture, alt rock, cute shoes, and being active in the outdoors.

Misadventures with a Super Hero Buy links:
Barnes & Noble
LEARN MORE about the Misadventures Series

Here is what I need you to know... I was given an ARC of this book, to read and review. I was not paid to do this, nor was I told to be dishonest. Anything I have said about this book, is my honest opinion. 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Misadventures of a Good Wife #BookReview

Do you remember when I told you about the Misadventures Series?! Were you able to read about the City Girl?! That was an excellent book, and so is this latest release in the series. Helen Hardt and Meredith Wild teamed up, to tell about the Misadventures of a Good Wife.

This book tells us about Kate and Price. I think you will fall in love with them, and their story. It has twists, turns, suspense, romance, and plenty of steamy passion. This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I tried very hard to figure out the full mystery, before all the details were revealed, and I failed.

This book was intriguing and entertaining. I found myself wanting Kate and Price to get their happily ever after, no matter the cost. If you love steamy romances, this book is absolutely for you. If you prefer books with an actual plot, and maybe prefer to skim over the steamy bits, this book is also for you. 

Keep reading to find a synopsis of Kate and Price's misadventures, as well as information about the fabulous authors, links to get a copy for yourself, and a link to a giveaway!! 



Helen Hardt & Meredith Wild

Releases 3rd October
#misadventures #goodwife


Kate and Price Lewis had the perfect marriage—love, fulfilling careers, and a great apartment in the city. But when Price’s work takes him overseas and his plane goes down, their happily-ever-after goes down with it.
A year later, Kate is still trying to cope. She’s tied to her grief as tightly as she was bound to Price. When her sister-in-law coaxes her into an extended girls’ trip—three weeks on a remote Caribbean island—Kate agrees. At a villa as secluded as the island, they’re the only people in sight, until Kate sees a ghost walking toward them on the beach. Price is alive.
Their reunion is anything but picture perfect. Kate has been loyal to the husband she thought was dead, but she needs answers. What she gets instead is a cryptic proposal—go back home in three weeks, or disappear with Price...forever.
Emotions run high, passions burn bright, and Kate faces an impossible choice. Can Price win back his wife? Or will his secrets tear them apart?


Misadventures of a Good Wife Buy links:
Amazon ➜  iBooks ➜ Barnes & Noble ➜ Google ➜ Kobo ➜

Meet the Authors

Meredith Wild is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of romance. Living on Florida’s Gulf Coast with her husband and three children, she refers to herself as a techie, whiskey-appreciator, and hopeless romantic. She has been featured on CBS This Morning, The Today Show, the New York TimesThe Hollywood ReporterPublishers Weekly, and The Examiner. When she isn’t living in the fantasy world of her characters, she can usually be found at:

#1 New York Times and USA 
Today Bestselling author Helen Hardt’s passion for the written word began with the books her mother read to her at bedtime. She wrote her first story at age six and hasn’t stopped since. In addition to being an award winning author of contemporary and historical romance and erotica, she’s a mother, a black belt in Taekwondo, a grammar geek, an appreciator of fine red wine, and a lover of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. She writes from her home in Colorado, where she lives with her family. Helen loves to hear from readers.



Here is what I need you to know.... I received an ARC copy of this book, and was asked to write an honest review of the book. That is exactly what I have done. I was not paid to say false statements. I would not lie for any amount of money, and BNW prefers honesty from their reviewers. So, when I say this is a great book, and you should read it... It is because this is a great book, and I genuinely feel you should read it. xo

Friday, October 6, 2017

No Regerts #SecretSubjectSwap

Welcome to October's Secret Subject Swap. This week eleven awesome bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts.

My “Secret Subject” is: What is the biggest regret in your life? Why?
It was submitted by: (Rena, thank you for this fabulous subject!!)

I live by the motto of not having regrets. I firmly believe everything happens for a reason, even our mistakes and bad choices. It is the combination of all the things that happen in our lives, that make us the people we are. If any one part of my life were changed, I would not be exactly the person I am.

In recent years, I have been asked often about regrets, and so I have thought about them. Truly, I would not change a single thing, and I regret nothing. However, there are a few things, that I do sorta wish had just never happened. 

1. Making choices for treatment of my physical issues. One thing made me very ill, and I would have loved to have never  gotten ill. Another made me gain seventy pounds. Do you know how impossible it is to lose seventy pounds, when you are highly limited by being unable to exercise. So, not trying those treatments, and suffering the consequences, would be great. 

2. Choosing to allow Gigi to be named the name her father picked for her. The name has no special meaning to him, and I gave up naming her something that meant a great deal to me. I wish I had stuck to my guns and really drove home how much that name meant to me. Gigi has definitely grown into her name, and I do think it is a lovely name. I just really loved my choice. Plus, the meaning was deep for me. It is okay though. She has a name, and that is all that matters.

3. Not getting certain promises made to me in writing. Having them in writing would definitely be helpful.

4. After I had surgery in 2012, I ended up getting an infection, and I was put on an antibiotic. Things went down hill, and I did not feel well at all. I kept going to the ER, and sadly, kept being seen by the same doctor. He told me I was having anxiety, gave me anxiety meds, and sent me home. I kept trying to tell him that it was definitely not anxiety. I got so sick, I could not even walk. I was on bed rest. It led to me getting a blood clot in my leg, which paralyzed me for a while. On top of that, I was right. It was not anxiety. I was allergic to the antibiotic I was taking for the infection, and with each daily dose, I was killing myself. It got to the point, that I was kissing death on the cheek, but some really amazing paramedics saved me. It was when they brought me to the hospital, that they also found the clot. I was very sick for a long while, and I have never been quite the same. I wish I had stood my ground with that doctor, and demanded help beyond being pumped full of anxiety meds. I also wish I had reported him to the medical board. I really should have. I refuse to be treated by him now, and on two occasions witnessed him giving other patients anxiety meds. One of those patients was there, because he had been in a really bad car accident. To this day, I wonder if I am the only one he wrongly diagnosed as suffering from anxiety. 

5. My tattoos. Well, my first two. Yeah, if I were to get them now, I would change what they are and where they are. Hindsight. Eh.

So, there you have it. I think that is pretty much all that I regret. I might would change parts of number four, if possible, but overall I would not change anything. I am who I am, because of everything that has happened. 

What is your biggest regret?!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! 

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts.  Sit back, grab a drink, and check them all out. See you there:


Welcome to June's Blog with Friends!! Each month a theme is chosen and then participating bloggers use the theme, to create their own un...