Friday, January 29, 2016

Hot Cocoa with A Side of World Domination #FunnyFriday January 2016

Today’s post is January’s Funny Friday, a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month. Funny Friday is a collaborative project. Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write five captions or thoughts inspired by that month’s picture. Links to the other bloggers’ posts are below, click on them and see what they have come up with. I hope we bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.

Funny Friday  150 X 150.jpg

Here’s today’s awesome picture. It was submitted by Dinosaur Superhero Mommy.

24 - Dinosaur Superhero Mommy.jpg

1. What? We didn't trespass! We have just been sitting right here.

2. Not a caption, but I cannot let the opportunity to point out this man obviously needs a new cup and hat. His are YUCKY! :-P

3. Boy to Mom: Shoveling is hard work. I need longer breaks and higher pay. This $3 a day just isn't cutting it anymore. I really think we should renegotiate as soon as possible, Ma. It will be snowing before you know it!
Dad to self: Man, I need to learn how to negotiate like him.

4. Boy to Mom: May I have a beer please?
Dad to Boy: Have you gone crazy?
Boy to Dad: What? Sometimes when I don't want 7-Up, Mom let's me have beer.
Mom to Boy: Root Beer. I let you have Root Beer.
Boy to Mom: Beer sounds so much cooler.
Mom and Dad: ....

(Anyone else do this as a kid? Call Root Beer just beer to be cool?! I definitely did. Now, I am an adult and won't even drink beer. LOL)

5. I just have to say he is so adorable! He looks so innocent in this picture. The epitome of innocence. That is why I am fairly certain he was plotting world domination at that moment, and we are all none the wiser, distracted by his innocent look.

Click on the links below and let some other bloggers make you smile:


  1. between the negotiating and the beer captions, I'm dying here. LOVE IT.

  2. Love the last one the best. You know behind that innocent face they really are plotting world domination!

  3. Love the beer one. Since moving to Germany, we have started getting together with our German neighbors on the weekends. Which is usually beer for the guys, girlie drinks for the ladies, and apfelschorle (apple juice mixed with sparkling water) for the kids. Well now, my daughter goes around saying it's "Beer Time" now, she is 3 years old. Lol

  4. Agree on the cap and cup~ Great job with the picture~ Still laughing

  5. 4 had me in stitches and YES he needs a #RAIDER hat and cup!! #RN4L

  6. Never called it beer... still don't drink beer (root or otherwise).

    That face does not say innocence... it says something's about to go down.



Welcome to June's Blog with Friends!! Each month a theme is chosen and then participating bloggers use the theme, to create their own un...