My “Secret Subject” is:
You wake up and discover you are your kid. Which kid are you and what do you do?
This subject was so thought provoking for me. I think the easiest answer would be Weewee. I would most likely spend the day eating all the COOKIES and playing with all my toys and watching all the ELMO. That is a typical day for her, minus eating all the cookies. I am not that cool of a mom. She is the energizer bunny. She plays and plays and plays and plays. Recently, she has taken a slightly bigger interest in TV, mostly Sesame Street (especially Elmo). She will wander around the living room playing with her toys and having tea parties with Mama (me). Now, more than ever, she takes longer TV breaks, and seems to particularly love it when Elmo's World is on.
Yes, that would really be the easiest answer. After some thought and internal debate, I decided not to take the easiest road this time.
I would be Kateri. My sweet, precious angel baby.
I really am not sure how this would work. It is my secret subject, and up to my interpretation. (I would LOVE to know how you would interpret this subject. Please feel free to tell me in the comments!) As I was pondering this, I was trying to decide if she would get to hang out with me, or if that would be impossible, since technically I am her. I decided that since I was waking up as her, I would not be available in my normal presence. This makes me sad, but it really seems the most logical conclusion.
If I were able to be myself and her, I would spend the entire day holding her and telling her I love her. Just for the record.
If I were able to be her, I would live life. In my mind, I wake up and I am her. I am not the tiny little baby that was born into this world. I would be the eleven year old girl, that she would be if she were here today.
I would eat candy, ice cream, cake, cupcakes, cookies, etc, etc. I would experience as many of the foods and drinks that kids love, that I could fit into the day. I would swing on a swing, slide down a slide, and cross the monkey bars.
I would watch The Little Mermaid and Dirty Dancing. I would listen to Bob Marley.
I would sit in a photo booth and take pictures, to leave behind, so my mom (Me) would have something to cherish.
I would visit my family. Let them hug me and meet me, since they were never able to do this previously.
Since my existence, would be a miracle, I honestly feel anything would be possible and money would not be an obstacle.
I would go visit Matt Damon and I would tell him about my mom (Me). I would tell him that she has loved him forever and a day. I would encourage him to visit her, but warn him that it would be at his own risk. I would tell him that she admires him and all the good he is doing, and thank him for all he has done and will do. I would know that is what my mom (I) would do if she (I) could. Then, I would add that he is an idiot for being a Patriots fan and should seriously consider becoming a Green Bay fan. Hey, I am my mom's child, after all.
I would go see the Eiffel Tower. I would take pictures with it, for my mom (Me) to cherish.
I would swim with the Manatees.
I would go to an Atlanta Braves game. I would go to a Boston Red Sox game. I would go to a Green Bay game. I would go to a Boston Celtics game. I would go to a Golden State Warriors game. I would watch Jimmie Johnson race.
I would walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and visit the Grand Canyon.
I would visit Disney World, and ride all the rides. I would take pictures with Eeyore for my mom (me).
I would color some pictures for my mom to cherish forever.
I would make my mom an awesome coffee cup, so she would think of me every time she made coffee (which is often). I would also drink some coffee, just to see if all the hype my mom gives it is worth it. Of course it would be, because my mom is very wise, particularly when it comes to the greatness of coffee.
I would sit in on a class at Harvard Law school. My mom used to tell me, while I was growing in her tummy, that I could grow up to be ANYTHING I wanted to be, but that she would always secretly hope I ended up going to Harvard Law. She said that she would support me in ANYTHING (legal) I chose to do, but that if I could help defend justice, that would be extra cool.
I would visit my Dad. My mom does not talk to him anymore. Losing me was too much for them to bare, but I know she would want me to see him, even though I cannot see her.
I would hand out book bags filled with supplies to homeless people.
I would visit Washington D.C. and remind the politicians that HONESTY is important, as is doing the right thing. I would tell them they should be allied with the people, and not with any particular political parties or corporations. I would remind them that their goal should be to make this country a better place to live for everyone, not just people that fund them and share the same political party label they do.
I would jump on a trampoline.
I would go skydiving.
I would ride a bicycle.
I would visit my sister Weewee. I give her hugs and kisses. I would give her some cookies, my mom doesn't let her have nearly enough.
I would visit Chad. I would tell him that my mom loves him lots and talks to me about him all the time. I would thank him for taking such good care of my Mommy. I would ask him to give my mom hugs and kisses from me every day, since I cannot do so myself.
I would visit Embee. I would tell her what a cool kid she is, and tell her that my mom talks about her a lot, and that my mom thinks that she and I would be BFFs, if I were here. I would let her know my mom loves her very much, and that she has always told me stories about her, saying that I would probably be doing the same things, since we are so close in age.
I would take pictures with Chad, Weewee, and Embee, so that my mom can cherish them forever.
I would hide a bag full of money, where I know my mom would find it, so she could do all the great things she wants in this world. (Hey, this is my interpretation!)
I would live.
Then I would go back to Heaven, and let my mom (me) come back.
**A few side notes** For anyone that may not know... Kateri is my daughter that died in 2003, after I went into labor prematurely.
If at all possible, I would happily stay her forever, and let her live, even if it meant I could no longer live. I am sure she would do this thing called life way better than I do it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
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