Saturday, August 26, 2017

Fate by Audrey Carlan #BookReview

There are not many authors in this world, that I give blanket recommendations for. Very few indeed. Audrey Carlan has become one of the authors on that list. I read Fate the fifth book in her Trinity Series, and it just solidified my love for her work. This series is fantastic. Her books are fantastic. 

I loved Fate so much! In fact, when I was done reading it, I simply needed more of Audrey's writing, so I decided to finally read her Calendar Girl series. 

You need to read Fate. You truly do. You need to know Kat and Carson's story. You need to know so much more than that, so read the entire series. Start at book one and read them all. I know you will thank me later.

Audrey has this amazing way of building entire worlds with her books. Worlds full of amazing people, drama, romance, suspense, humor, happiness, sadness, and every other emotion. She tells complete stories, and her series are full of books that build perfectly on each other.

Read on for a synopsis of Fate, information on how to buy a copy, information on Audrey Carlan, and a link to a giveaway!!


Fate (Trinity Series #5)
by Audrey Carlan
Release Date: 22nd August
Buy Today: Fate:
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Fate (Trinity Series #5)
Not many can say they were burned by fate. I’m the exception.
Scalded figuratively, emotionally, and physically… I have the scars running down my arm, ribs, and side to prove it.
The doctors have done what they can to heal me by smoothing the abraded skin using other parts of my body. But they can only do so much. Sometimes, what can’t be seen can’t be healed.
The fire that night took more than a pound of flesh. It obliterated my talent, beauty, and most importantly, seared the connection I had with the man I loved. Sure, it was me who pushed him away, but I had my reasons. I did what any woman would do in my situation. I gave up everything so that one day he’d find happiness and peace.
Now I’ve healed a bit on the outside, and on the inside, but I still crave the one I let go. To this day he looks at me with fire in his eyes, a heat so bright in his being he glows with it. I fear the light, the flames that could consume me whole. The problem now is, he’s not mine anymore. I just may have waited too long to fight for him, for us, for a future together.
There’s only one thing I can do. Let fate decide.

Meet The Author

Audrey Carlan is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. She writes wicked hot love stories that are designed to give the reader a romantic experience that’s sexy, sweet, and so hot your ereader might melt. Some of her works include the wildly successful Calendar Girl Serial, Falling Series, and the Trinity Trilogy.
She lives in the California Valley where she enjoys her two children and the love of her life. When she’s not writing, you can find her teaching yoga, sipping wine with her “soul sisters” or with her nose stuck in a wicked hot romance novel.

This is what I need you to know... I was given an ARC of Fate, to read and give an honest review of. I read the book and loved it. Had I not loved it, I would have told you that. Thankfully for us all, it is an excellent book. So, go read it!! 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Miracle Mike #FunnyFriday

Welcome to August’s Funny Friday, a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month. Funny Friday is a collaborative project. Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write five captions or thoughts inspired by that month’s picture. Links to the other bloggers’ posts are below, click on them and see what they have come up with. I hope we bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.

Funny Friday  150 X 150.jpg

Here’s today’s picture. It was submitted by Minette of Southern Belle Charm.

43 - Southern Belle Charm - Aug 2017.jpg

1. Minette waiting for Mike to admit she was right.

2. Mike: What are you doing?
Minette: Decorating.
Mike: For?
Minette: Halloween.
Mike: But it is August.
Minette: I know. In about a week, Christmas will take over everything. I am just making sure that Halloween gets a fair amount of time.

3. Minette waiting for Mike to admit she is the better driver.

4. Minette: You're sure this will keep the possums away?
Mike: Of course.
Minette: If you say so.
(Having lived in NC, I can tell you, nearly nothing will scare the possums away, but we sure did have fun trying to find ways to scare them away!

P.S. You should be extra careful with fireworks)

5. Do you follow Southern Belle Charm?! You should!! Minette is amazing. This picture mostly just makes me so dang happy. Minette's husband has been through a lot this past year, and he is truly #MiracleMike. So, that is my reaction to this picture.... Huge smiles.

I hope you enjoyed this month's picture!! Make sure you check out the other Funny Friday posts, to see what laughs my fellow bloggers have for you!!

Click on the links below and let some other bloggers make you smile:

Southern Belle Charm
Bookworm in the Kitchen
Baking In A Tornado
Cognitive Script

Pucker Up by Sara Hubbard #BookReview

It is time for my most recent book review. My first of two this week. I had never heard of Sara Hubbard, but I love find new authors and new books, so I was excited to read this book. My excitement was worth it. This book was excellent. I definitely love Sara Hubbard's writing style. She definitely builds characters well, formulates thorough plots, and keeps you interested. 

This story was great. It kept my interest. It had drama, romance, and humor. It was very well written. The characters were ones we can easily relate to. It was set in college, and had me missing my college days by the end. I think most of us, when heading to college, wonder if we will meet our soul mate while there. I would have been happy to meet an Ozzie of my own in college. 

I found myself relating to Charlie. She is a bit OCD, and I am a lot OCD. I think it helped me understand her. She also has a good moral compass, but struggles to make decisions. She doesn't want to hurt others, but she also doesn't want to hurt herself. I think she handled things well, considering. 

If you love happy endings, this book will not disappoint you, but it will take you on one wild ride getting there. I highly recommend this book. It is a good, easy read. Entertaining and will leave you happy. 

Continue reading for a synopsis of the book, links to buy the book for yourself, information on the author, and a Giveaway link!! Enjoy!!


Book: Pucker Up
Author: Sara Hubbard
Release Date: 25th August 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance/New Adult

His name was Ozzie. He was the college hockey star every girl wanted a piece of and who every guy wanted to be. But I didn’t know he existed. Not until the editor of the school paper agreed to give me a position in exchange for writing an article about him and his private life. I want the position. More than anything. It’s been part of my plan for as long as I can remember. But associating with jocks isn’t something I’m comfortable with given how unpopular and awkward I was in high school. I can’t let that stand in my way, though. I’m too stubborn for that. I devise a plan to meet him and it works better than I thought it would. I don’t tell him what I’m up to, and by the time I start to realize what all the fuss is about, it’s too late. My lie threatens to expose his darkest secrets and also break my heart.

Buy the Book
B&N        Google Play        iTunes
Amazon                                                                         Kobo

Meet The Author
Sara Hubbard is an author of romantic fiction. Her debut novel BLOOD, SHE READ released fall 2012 and was a NEORWA Cleveland Rocks winner and a RCRW Duel on the Delta finalist. Her first contemporary novel, Beautiful and Broken was an Amazon bestseller. Sara lives in Nova Scotia, Canada with her two children (four if you count her husband and her needy labradoodle) and works as a registered nurse.
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Friday, August 11, 2017

Q to the A #UseYourWords

Welcome to August's Use Your Words post. This is how it works: participating bloggers picked four to six words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That is the challenge, here is a fun twist; no one who is participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.

My words are:
detective ~ coffee ~ alley ~ sordid ~ camera ~ hopscotch

They were submitted by: Jenniy of

Can we all just take a moment to acknowledge the perfection of me receiving a Use Your Words list, which includes the word coffee?! Yes, keep contemplating the perfection of it. I will be right back. I am going to fetch another cup of coffee. *coffee interlude* Okay, I am back. I was struggling to come up with a way to use my words, and I did write a poem, which I dislike, so I went back to the drawing board. One of my favorite posts from the past, was when my friend HUZ, asked me questions, based on the words I was assigned. So, I am revisiting that concept, with the help of my friend Y. Thank you, Y! xo

1. (detective) 
Q: Have you ever been questioned by a detective? Were handcuffs involved? 
A: Actually, yes. I am grateful to say, each time the detectives were questioning me as a witness, not a suspect, so no handcuffs were involved. 

2. (coffee) 
Q: You just want me to let you discuss coffee for twenty minutes, I guess. Are you sure you didn't come up with the words? Okay, so you HAVE to give up coffee forever. What do you replace it with?
A: The blood of my enemies, starting with the idiot who took coffee away from me. No, seriously, there is no replacement for coffee. Plus, I am not entirely sure I could live without it. I guess I would just drink more tea?! I don't know. Let's move beyond this horrible hypothetical scenario. 

3. (alley)
Q: Are you certain you did not come up with these words yourself? What is the most interesting thing you have ever done in an alley?
A: Well, considering I live in an alley, you would think I would have an awesome list of answers. I really don't. I guess it would be the time I really hurt myself badly. I was probably eleven. This isn't actually the first time I lived in a house with alley access/entrance. I was a speed demon on my bike, when I was younger, and the alley was mostly dirt and gravel, and I turned into the alley way too quickly, and totally wrecked. I went head over heels several times, and even hit a dumpster super hard. It was terrible. I was bloody, bruised, and broken. My poor bike. 

4. (sordid) 
Q: Tell me a sordid tale. 
A: You and I. Haha. Ummm... Sordid... One thing comes to mind, but I try to bring politics up as little as possible, especially in recent months. Though, if we are being honest, so many political tales can easily be considered sordid, and I am talking about the truthful ones. I am certain there are plenty of untrue sordid political tales. Okay, here you go... I know a guy who is cheating on his wife. He has been for years. I think he genuinely loves his wife, but I also think he loves this other woman also. Though, I could honestly think of a very good argument as to why he loves neither of them. It does weigh on me, but at the same time... It is genuinely none of my business. 

5. (camera)
Q: Are you comfortable behind the camera? In front of the camera?
A: Behind.... somewhat. Not completely. I have never taken photography classes, and truly know nothing about photography. However, I think I can take some good pictures with my phone camera and often think if I used a REAL camera, I would probably do decent. In front of.... Absolutely not. Not even slightly. However, I decided long ago to just deal with it. Pictures are like the evidence that we existed, and helpful for our loved ones' memories, so I suck it up and let pictures be taken of me. I don't like any pictures of me, but that is just the way it goes. I think many people, even some of the most beautiful people, do not like pictures of themselves.

6. (hopscotch)
Q: Would you ever play naked hopscotch?
A: I think an even better question would be, if I would ever play hopscotch. Probably not. Though, let's be honest, Gigi can get me to do nearly anything. So, if I am playing with children, no. Obviously. However, all adults or alone.... I guess it could happen... Never say never. However, it is truly not very likely at all. 

Okay, so there you have it. A quick little Q & A with moi. My heartfelt thanks to Y for humoring me, and coming up with some interesting questions. 

As for that poem I wrote?! Well...

I miss being the cream to your coffee.
I miss you being my personal hero. 
With you by my side, I would walk down the darkest alley.
I miss being with you.
I miss you being there for me always.
With you I felt complete.
I miss our sordid affair.
I miss adding chapters to our story.
With you I always thought there would be a happily ever after.
I miss crowding around the camera for our date ussies. 
I miss going on new and exciting dates with you.
With you every date was special and fun.
I miss imagining our future together.
I miss dreaming about playing hopscotch with our children.
With you, I thought there would be lots of babies.
I miss feeling loved and secure.
I miss feeling ravished and satisfied.
With you I was blinded, far from a detective.
I didn't see it coming.
I didn't know it was going to end.
I miss you.
I miss us. 
Without you I am empty.

As you can see, I definitely needed the backup plan. 

Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:

Friday, August 4, 2017

Pants on Fire #SecretSubjectSwap

Welcome to August's Secret Subject Swap. This week eleven brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts.

My “Secret Subject” is:
Write four things that are true about you and one lie and see if your readers can guess the lie.

It was submitted by: (Thank you for the fabulous prompt, Shannon!)

You guyssssss!!! When I read this prompt, I basically did a happy dance. I was so excited. It is FUN and I was like yayyyyy easy!!!! Then I sat down to write. Ummm... Say what?! Okay.... So four truths about myself. One lie about myself. Plus, I need it to be a bit difficult to pick which is the lie. Okay, maybe not so easy! LOL. I still love it. I had a lot of fun deciding which five things to say!!! 

Good luck!!

1. I am genuinely scared of chickens, especially roosters, and will RUN from them. I try to avoid them at all costs, and when faced with them, I tend to have anxiety attacks.

2. I am obsessed with Matt Damon. I adore him. Truly. He is one of my absolute favorite human beings. I have watched every one of his movies, most of them multiple times. The only one I didn't love, was The Talented Mr. Ripley. In truth, I do really like it. He was just so great at playing a psychotic sociopath, that it irks me. He is just that darn great of an actor. 

3. One of my goals is to become a vegetarian. Well, more like become one again. I have been one a few times, the longest time being almost four years straight.

4. My absolute favorite candy is Jujubes.

5. I was given an IQ test, and scored at genius level. 

So, tell me... Which is the lie? Can you figure it out?! I hope you all have an amazing weekend!! 

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts.  Sit back, grab a drink, and check them all out. See you there:

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Grinding My Gears by C.M. Moore #NewRelease

C.M.Moore dystopian romance.
Title: Grinding My Gears
Subtitle: An (Off the Rails) Ice Era Chronicle 1:30 AM
Author: C.M.Moore
Facing the end of his life, Adam, aka Gears, searches for answers. Even though he’s a brilliant scientist and doctor, he’s forced to admit that he will die, probably sooner than later. After choosing to leave his water base, Gears has a chance meeting with a rival gang member who throws his quickly shortening life off course. A road trip with this mysterious woman, takes him beyond what he thinks he knows and makes him question his ideas of right and wrong. Love is the most unscientific thing he has ever faced but worth the discovery.
Buy The Book
About the Author

C.M. Moore is a retired solider, and a romantic at heart. After being blown up in Afghanistan and receiving a purple heart; he began writing. Connor’s first book 1:05 am is a mixture of love, sex, and action. Today if you are looking for Connor, you can find him volunteering with veteran organizations, and harassing his military buddies. You can also find him attempting to “hunt” in the woods and ponds of Minnesota. In the event you find him in the woods, don’t be scared, he can’t hit anything. 
If you want to contact him message him at ...OR...
1.05 AM (Ice Age Chronicles: Book 1)
Buy The Book


Welcome to June's Blog with Friends!! Each month a theme is chosen and then participating bloggers use the theme, to create their own un...