There are not many authors in this world, that I give blanket recommendations for. Very few indeed. Audrey Carlan has become one of the authors on that list. I read Fate the fifth book in her Trinity Series, and it just solidified my love for her work. This series is fantastic. Her books are fantastic.
I loved Fate so much! In fact, when I was done reading it, I simply needed more of Audrey's writing, so I decided to finally read her Calendar Girl series.
You need to read Fate. You truly do. You need to know Kat and Carson's story. You need to know so much more than that, so read the entire series. Start at book one and read them all. I know you will thank me later.
Audrey has this amazing way of building entire worlds with her books. Worlds full of amazing people, drama, romance, suspense, humor, happiness, sadness, and every other emotion. She tells complete stories, and her series are full of books that build perfectly on each other.
Read on for a synopsis of Fate, information on how to buy a copy, information on Audrey Carlan, and a link to a giveaway!!
Fate (Trinity Series #5)
Release Date: 22nd August
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Fate (Trinity Series #5)
Not many can say they were burned by fate. I’m the exception.
Scalded figuratively, emotionally, and physically… I have the scars running down my arm, ribs, and side to prove it.
The doctors have done what they can to heal me by smoothing the abraded skin using other parts of my body. But they can only do so much. Sometimes, what can’t be seen can’t be healed.
The fire that night took more than a pound of flesh. It obliterated my talent, beauty, and most importantly, seared the connection I had with the man I loved. Sure, it was me who pushed him away, but I had my reasons. I did what any woman would do in my situation. I gave up everything so that one day he’d find happiness and peace.
Now I’ve healed a bit on the outside, and on the inside, but I still crave the one I let go. To this day he looks at me with fire in his eyes, a heat so bright in his being he glows with it. I fear the light, the flames that could consume me whole. The problem now is, he’s not mine anymore. I just may have waited too long to fight for him, for us, for a future together.
There’s only one thing I can do. Let fate decide.
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Meet The Author

Audrey Carlan is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. She writes wicked hot love stories that are designed to give the reader a romantic experience that’s sexy, sweet, and so hot your ereader might melt. Some of her works include the wildly successful Calendar Girl Serial, Falling Series, and the Trinity Trilogy.
She lives in the California Valley where she enjoys her two children and the love of her life. When she’s not writing, you can find her teaching yoga, sipping wine with her “soul sisters” or with her nose stuck in a wicked hot romance novel.
This is what I need you to know... I was given an ARC of Fate, to read and give an honest review of. I read the book and loved it. Had I not loved it, I would have told you that. Thankfully for us all, it is an excellent book. So, go read it!!