Friday, April 24, 2015

Come on in and have a seat! #FunnyFriday April 2015

Today’s post is this month’s Funny Friday, a regular feature published on the last Friday of every month. Funny Friday is a collaborative project. Each month one of the participants submits a picture, then we all write 5 captions or thoughts inspired by that month’s picture. Links to the other bloggers’ posts are below, click on them and see what they’ve come up with. I hope we bring a smile to your face as you start your weekend.

Here’s today’s picture. It was submitted by he Bergham’s Life Chronicles aka ME! :)

15 - Bergham's Life Chronicles.jpg

1. Let the kids sit on you, they said. It will be fun, they said.

2. Chair level: Pumpkin.

3. My parents told me I could be anything I wanted to be, so I became a chair.

4. I really need to think twice before agreeing to do favors for the farmer.

5. Geez. They could have at least posed me with my good side up.

I hope I was able to make you giggle! How would you caption this photo? I hope you Friday is Funny and Fantastic and your weekend long and relaxing!

I wanted to share a few other photos taken the same day as the one above. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Weewee was fifteen months old, and really starting to show personality!

Click on the links below and let some other bloggers make you smile:

Friday, April 10, 2015

Bunnies and Rainbows and Stuff #UseYourWords April 2015

Today’s post is a monthly writing challenge. This is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.

My words are:
eggs ~ spring ~ bunnies ~ babies ~ pastel ~ rainbows

They were submitted by: Spatulas on Parade    (Thank you for the amazing words! So perfect for this time of the year! <3)

Growing up, I really did not celebrate holidays. My dad just was not into it. We didn't decorate or have parties or anything of the like. We would visit family, which I loved. I did not mind not celebrating. Now, I am a mom. I definitely think having babies changes things. All the things. Now, I mind not celebrating. Now, I want to make every holiday fun for Gigi (formerly known as Weewee) and Embee.

If I am being honest, since Embee came into my life, I have been pretty good at the whole holidays thing. Lately, I have slacked off. If I am completely honest, it is because of my health. Most days, I celebrate being able to get out of bed, and then I push myself to take care of Gigi and her needs. I do it happily. She makes me happy. Every struggle and pain pales in comparison to my love for her. 

Now, here it is, Spring again! Such a wonderful time of year. I usually decorate for Spring and Easter. I haven't this year. Usually my house and windows are full of bunnies and eggs and flowers in beautiful pastel shades of every color of the rainbow. Heck, there may even be rainbows and fluffy clouds on my windows. Not this year. 

Part of me forgives myself. I know what struggles I am working through. Part of me hates myself for not being a perfect mom. Gigi deserves to live in a house that is decorated for every holiday. I am falling sadly short of my expectations for myself. It has to stop. I need to step up my mom game. I need to be better. 

So, I was hoping you guys could help me! Could you flood the comments with your traditions and what you do to help your kids celebrate and enjoy this time of year?! Please. What crafts do you make? How do you decorate? Any fun foods you make? Tell me. I am all ears. I have decided to create a binder of holiday ideas. I want to make sure to have plenty of ideas for each holiday, so I am never short of things to do. I want to make sure Gigi enjoys every holiday. I want them to be special for her.

When she looks around our house and yard, I want it to be obvious to her what holiday is coming up. Let's face it, decorating is fun. Arts and crafts are fun. I want so badly to be a fun mom. I don't want her to be twenty-five and looking back on her childhood traditions, and thinking we never really celebrated but that was because my mom was sick. I want her to look back and think, my mom was sick but she always made holidays special. 

I am very new to this whole mommy thing, and to celebrating holidays. My dad wasn't a celebrator. That is fine. I am content with it. I want more for Gigi though. Maybe it is because she is my miracle, but I just think she deserves the best of everything. 

So, if you don't mind... please give me some ideas (you don't mind me using) in the comments and then go visit my friend's. See what words they received and how the used them! I hope you have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!

Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:

                Baking In A Tornado                 
Spatulas on Parade 
The Momisodes
Southern Belle Charm   
Confessions of a part-time working mom   
Someone Else's Genius 
Stacy Sews and Schools    
Searching for Sanity
Sparkly Poetic Weirdo  
Eileen's Perpetually Busy   
Juicebox Confession 
Battered Hope 

A sad side note: I wrote this blog during two different sittings. I read my words, and knew what I would write. In between my writing sessions, tragedy struck my family. My beloved cousin died unexpectedly. He was only 26. It has hit myself and my family very hard. I would like to note, that in the beginning of this post, I mentioned I celebrated holidays with family. That sent me down memory lane. Remember back to celebrating with my family. Two days after I wrote that, my cousin died. Going down memory lane made me want to reach out to my cousins. Tell them all hello and see how they were. I did not get around to messaging MattMatt before he died. I am so upset that I didn't reach out to him that very day. Never miss the chance to seize the moment and reach out to your loved ones. As cliche' as it is, life truly is short.
I love you, MattMatt. I love you so much. 


Friday, April 3, 2015

A Most Egg-cellent Recipe #SecretSubjectSwap April 2015

Welcome to April's Secret Subject Swap. This week, fifteen brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts.

My “Secret Subject” is:
This was the first time I tried the recipe ___________________ and it turned out ____________ than I expected.

It was submitted by: Dinosaur Superhero Mommy  (Thank you for such a fabulous subject! It really brought me back to my childhood!)

I had a struggle deciding where to go with this. Then I decided I would bring you guys way back. I mean really far back. It was probably 1988 or 1989. I was five, maybe six years old, and I was trying my hand at cooking for the first time. I had mastered toast with peanut butter and regular peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I really thought it was time I stretched my culinary skills, and actually cooked something.

I decided I would make scrambled eggs. My dad is an excellent cook. He is a Master in the kitchen. Yum yum yum. He mostly cooks Southern Cuisine and Italian. I feel like he could really cook anything, as long as he has a recipe. Is it any wonder that I am fat? I grew up on delicious food. 

So, here I was a big girl, or so I thought, and I was certain I could make the most delicious scrambled eggs. I had watched my dad make them a million times. I could do it no problem. Easy peasy.

I remember I gathered up all the stuff I would need, including a chair to stand on. My dad was busy working outside, and so I had free reign of the kitchen. I am pretty sure my plan was to make my delicious eggs, eat them, and clean up, and have my dad be none the wiser. 

I cracked the eggs, added the salt and pepper, and scrambled them right up. My dad walked in just in time to watch me plate them. So he helped me get them all onto the plate and turned the stove off. Then he told me I had to eat them. Every single bite. He said I had to clean the entire kitchen after, and that I had better never cook without him again.

I remember thinking I had gotten off so easy! This was great! I got to eat my eggs, and then I just had to clean up the kitchen after. Basically, I got to finish my original plan. It was like the best day ever. I remember thinking that I had proven I was such a big girl, and maybe my dad would let me help to cook in the future. 

My dad had taken a bite, while he finished putting them on the plate, so I knew he already knew how delicious they were. This truly was the best day ever. Then I took a bite. The most awful bite of eggs ever in the history of all bites of eggs. For starters, I didn't realize my dad always made so many eggs, because he was feeding multiple people. I needed far fewer eggs just for myself. Secondly, I did not exactly crack them perfectly. There were a few pieces of eggshell in them. Though, if I am honest, not bad at all. There really wasn't that many in it, and the pieces were tiny.

So, I am guessing you are thinking that it was not all that bad. Well, did I mention that I really had no clue about salt? I do not remember how much salt I put in. Really, just a few shakes. They must have been the biggest shakes ever. I really could not even taste egg. I just tasted salt. Nasty salt. Looking back, this could be the reason behind the fact that I do not like salt, and eat the absolute minimal amount of it possible. 

I tried to get out of eating those eggs. Nope. My dad made sure I ate every bite. Every single, salty bite. Come to think of it, I am really not a big egg fan either. I like them boiled, but I am really not a big scrambled egg fan. Yes, maybe this adventure in cooking is the reason for all of that. 

I have tried some strange things over the years, but I still list that batch of scrambled eggs as the WORST thing I have EVER eaten. They were nasty. Lesson learned. I never cooked again without my Dad's guidance and permission. It was a hard, disgusting lesson to learn, but I learned it. 


This was the first time I tried the recipe for scrambled eggs and it turned out much, much, much, MUCH worse than I expected.

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts.  Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:


Welcome to June's Blog with Friends!! Each month a theme is chosen and then participating bloggers use the theme, to create their own un...